I am obsessed with pop culture - TV, Movies, Books, Music and of course all of the celebrity gossip that goes along with it. I enjoy being the go to person for what's on TV on a particular night, what movies to see, and what books to read. Not that I'm a know it all - but I pretend to be.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chikezie it is!

Chikezie was sent home tonight on American Idol. While I missed 2 of the bottom three, I was right on the mark for who was cut. I thought Kristy and Ramiele would be in the bottom with Chikezie, but it was actually Seyesha and Jason. Not that surprised about Seyesha - she just doesn't stand out. But I was a little sad about Jason. I don't think he'll be in the bottom next week after this scare. No more cheezy love songs from Chikezie. :(

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Double Bind - Finished

I finished The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalan tonight. I would recommend it. The ending was a twist I didn't think was coming. 

The Double Bind is about a girl with a traumatic incident in her past, who now works at a homeless shelter. One of her elderly clients at the shelter dies and leaves behind a box of photographs, many of which are of famous people. It becomes obvious whoever took these photos was quite talented. The main character, Laurel, goes on a quest to find out the meaning behind the photos and who the man was who took them. 


Who will go?

The top 10 performed tonight on AI. After tonight I am convince David Cook is a star. Major goosebumps. He made MJ's Billy Jean into a rock song all of his own. It was 

In terms of who is getting cut, I think I'm going to go with Chikezie on this one. He hasn't been in the bottom in a few weeks, but tonight he kind of proved that he is a one-trick pony. And while the judges loved Kristy Lee Cook's performance, it made me gag. If she doesn't go home tomorrow she won't make it much longer. Ramiele is probably at the bottom - at least in my opinion. Those are the 3 I think should be in the bottom. I am nervous about Carly after last week though - I voted for her a few times. We shall see...

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Another Lost that poses more questions than it answers...

First of all... I would like to take a moment to commend those that have blogs dedicated to Lost. What a full time job it must be to figure everything out, write about it and connect all of the dots.
I, however, am not that smart. And, I'm not trying to be. Lost completely confuses me every week, but I still can't get enough. And to make matters worse, this week I fell asleep and had to watch what I missed 2 days later. It's hard enough understanding the show in one sitting.
On Thursday we learned a little bit more why Michael, a.k.a Kevin Johnson, is on the ship. We also learned what he did and where he was in between getting off of the island and going on to the ship. During that time, he wanted to kill himself, but we learned the island won't let him. 
Then, he gets called to be a deckhand on the ship where he must sabotage the plan of the owner, Mr. Whidmore, to find the island. The question becomes who really set up the crash site of Oceanic 815. Was it Mr. Whidmore? Was it Ben? It would make the most sense if it were Ben because he didn't want anyone looking for the survivors and now he wants to kill everyone on the ship b/c they want to find the island. 
Also, in the previews for the next new episode - which doesn't air for another month - the announcer says we know who the Oceanic 6 are and baby Aaron is one of them. That would go against the theory that Aaron couldn't be one of 6 survivors because he wasn't on the manifest.
I wish we didn't have to wait a month to learn more things to be confused about!

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Ugh... The Hills

What is it about the Hills anyway? I mean, we all know by now that the whole thing is scripted, the producers do nothing to hide that fact, but we love it anyway. I don't love to hate the Hills. I hate to love the Hills.

Tonight's premier was packed to the brim with scripted drama. Whitney and Lauren in Paris, out on the town with a rock band, the Eiffel tower, Vespas, the whole bit. I loved when Lauren "ruined" her dress and had to go get another one last minute thanks to the "setback." I loved it even though her hair was curly and then "15 minutes" later when she went to get the dress her hair was straight. 

I loved when Spencer's sister showed up for her token cameo and sided with Heidi. She was practically reading off of cue cards. I loved when Spencer "popped in" on Heidi and her family in Colorado and then Heidi gave him the cold shoulder. I loved it all and hated every minute of it.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Rooks Have It

I haven't been watching much of the Gauntlet 3 on MTV - let's face it... those damn Real World/Road Rules Challenge shows are ALL the same. But in a surprising victory, the Rookies won tonight after a losing season. Oh yeah... they won by default b/c one of the Veterans almost died. Oh well! Can't wait to see Corral on the next Challenge. Although, I think she is going to be at Majors this weekend. I'll just go there to see her instead of watching another whole season of the same 'ole shit.


Crazy Hair Goes Home

Amanda Overmyer was booted from AI tonight. Kind of surprising b/c she hasn't been doing terribly, but I am relieved! You can only understand half of the words she sings anyway. I was surprised that Carly was in the bottom 3. I thought she did a good job and I voted for her. At least now that AO is off David Cook can own the "rocker."

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Beatles night... Again

Simon had a bug up his ass last night. He did NOT like any of the performances for some reason. He was probably mad at the producers for decided to do a Beatles theme for a 2nd week in a row. I thought a few of the performances were really good that he didn't like - particularly Carly and David Cook. I thought they did an awesome job.

I could see Kristy Lee Cook going home tonight. She has been in the bottom 3 almost every week. I don't think she would be surprised if that happened.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Recommended Reading List

Here are some books I recommend if you are looking for a good read:
  • Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
  • The Girls - Lori Lansens
  • A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini
  • The Namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri
  • Moloka'i - Alan Brennert
  • The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson
  • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith



Tonight's was an Intervention like no other. Episode 59 followed Lawrence, an alcoholic. Lawrence was a successful businessman who was about to lose his business and his family if he didn't sober up. 

A lot of Intervention episodes have followed alcoholics, but none quite like Lawrence. He was in total denial of his addiction and the state of his life. Lawrence had bruises all over his body caused by cirrhosis. He also was diagnosed with testicular cancer and after having the tumor removed didn't follow through with any of the treatment. 

During the intervention Lawrence was still in complete denial of his problem. After agreeing to go to treatment, he was even in denial once he got there. Lawrence was in treatment for 30 days. He came home and was sober for 3 weeks before dying on 2/22/08 as a result of his alcoholism. Hopefully his story can help others and they will get help before it is too late.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

# 5 of the Oceanic 6 Revealed!

We learned tonight on Lost that Sun is one of the Oceanic 6 that make it off of the island. We now know a total of 5 people who make it off: Sun, Sayid, Kate, Jack and Hurly. And for the first time tonight we discovered for sure one person that did not survive making it off the island... Jin.

I am starting to feel like this is becoming a 5th grade math problem. Dick lives in the blue house. Jane lives in the red house next to Tom. Tom lives next to Julie. Julie lives in the green house. Who lives next to Jane? AH!

And... I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Michael is Ben's mole on the ship. Hello, Michael! Long time, no see! We also learned that Ben staged the wreckage of Oceanic flight 815, making it seem like all onboard perished. Apparently, that has something to do with why the people who are on the ship are after Ben. 

And the plot thickens... it always does!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

David Hernadez Stripped of Possible Idol Title

I'm just glad a "David" got sent home. Too many David's! The judges did rip apart his performance last night, so it wasn't a surprise. I also wasn't surprised that Seyesha and Kristy were the other ones in the bottom three. Their weeks are numbered. 

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Top 12 Perform on A New Stage

American Idol debuted its new fancy stage tonight. It's like nothing they've done before - except all that stuff ends up looking the same - just on a grander scale. 

I'd say the top performances of the night for me were Brooke, Carly and David Cook. Although, I did like Jason tonight too. I think I'm ready to pick my top 6 already - too bad I'll have to wait 6 more weeks to get there. If I had to choose based on tonight's performances I'd go with: Carly Smithson, Brooke White, David Cook, David Archuleta, Jason Castro, and Chikezie. Chikezie is just the wild card for me though. Not sure if I really think he'll be in the top 6. I'm ready to see David Hernadez go - I felt like he was going to strip off his clothes at any second tonight. I'm also "over" Amanda Overmyer. I kind of think her name should be Crazymyer. She definitely has some crazy in her. Ramiele, Syesha and Kristy don't do much for me either. 

And poor David Archuleta tonight! He was obviously very nervous and botching his lines didn't help any. 

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Bon Iver

I'm way into Bon Iver right now. Buy it! The album is For Emma, Forever Ago. Bon Iver (misspelled French for "good winter") is actually Justin Vernon from Eau Claire, WI. Justin was going through a tough time and moved from Raleigh back to Eau Claire before winter. He holed up in his parents' cabin in the woods and what resulted was this beautiful, raw, homemade album. I promise... you'll love it. 


Trust Your Instincts... Trust Me

So... I watched Mr. Brooks last night. Now, I knew this looked like a horrible movie, but I heard a few people say it was good. Why do we as humans have to repeat our mistakes over and over before we ever learn? I should've known it was going to be bad... I mean Dane Cook is in it in a somewhat serious role. If that is not a red flag, I'm not sure what is. The movie follows Kevin Costner (another red flag), as Mr. Brooks - duh - a successful business man who also happens to be a serial killer who has a split personality - his other personality is played by William Hurt. Yep... Mr. Brooks talks to William Hurt but no one else can see or hear him talk to William Hurt. Then along comes Dane Cook who witnesses and has photos of Mr. Brooks murdering a couple. But instead of taking the pics to the cops he asks to go along with him the next time he kills someone. That's all I'm going to say besides that Demi Moore plays the lead investigator. There were way to0 many things crammed in the plot to go any further.  

I definitely should have trusted my instincts on this one instead of questioned them. After all, my instincts are what dragged me to Coon Rapids to see There Will be Blood. Next time I'll listen.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Juliet Flashbacks

Tonight's episode "The Other Woman", featured flashbacks from Juliet - but they were all when she was on the island. 

The episode opened with a flashback of Juliet and a therapist. At first Juliet is talking about being a celebrity - it made me think that she was one of the Oceanic 6 who got off the island and this was actually a flash forward. They only let you think that for a few seconds though, before we realize that she has just arrived on the island in the flashback. We learn that Juliet has an affair with the island therapist's (Harper) husband (Goodwin).

Another major thing that happens in this episode is Locke lets Ben out of captivity. Ben offers up information about who is in charge of the ship off the island as his "bargaining chip." We learn that Charles Widmore, Penelope's dad, owns the ship. It is still unclear exactly why he has such an interest in the island. Does it have something to do with Desmond?

Locke wants to know one more thing from Ben: Who does Ben have on the ship? We know from a previous episode that Ben has a mole on the ship. He tells Locke he needs to sit down for that one. Of course, we never learn in this episode who it is. Could it be Michael? Whoever it is, it's going to be a doozy!

The other major thing that happened in this episode was Daniel and Charlotte left the camp. When Jack realized they were gone, Jin said he saw them go into the woods. Juliet and Jack follow their tracks in typical Lost fashion. While following them Juliet comes across Harper, who tells her that Ben wants Juliet to go to the chemical station and shoot Daniel and Charlotte because they are going there to kill everyone on the island. Once Juliet finally gets there it turns out they are actually trying to prevent the chemical station from killing everyone. Obviously, Ben set up Juliet to kill Daniel and Charlotte because he wanted them dead.

One random observation I noticed tonight: the 2 doctors on the island are named Shephard and Burke. Also, the name of 2 doctors on another popular ABC show: Gray's Anatomy.

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Down to the Final 12

4 Idols said goodbye tonight and won't be singing in the Kodak theater anytime soon: Danny Noriega, Asai'h Epperson, Kady Malloy and Luke Menard. I knew Kady and Luke were for sure out. I was pretty sure about Asia'h, but I was kind of surprised to see Danny go. I thought for sure he would have a lot of teenagers voting for him. He probably made America feel a little too uncomfortable.

The Final 12 are
Amanda Overmyer
Brooke White
Carly Smithson
David Archuleta
David Cook
David Hernadez
Jason Castro
Kristy Lee Cook
Michael Johns
Ramiele Malubay
Syesha Mercado

Definitely didn't realize there were 3 Davids until I typed that list. So... there is 25% chance David will win... for all you Math nerds out there.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Christian Siriano is officially the youngest winner of Project Runway! I am not surprised at all and I'm definitely happy with the judges' decision. He has so much talent and naturally, his collection was F-I-E-R-C-E! 

I loved Jillian's collection as well. It seemed to be the most wearable. But... YAY for Christian!

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Girls, Girls, Girls

Ladies night tonight on Idol. I'm loving Brooke White. She did a great job tonight. I definitely voted for her. Ramiele is officially not doing it for me any more. It's is time for Kady Malloy to go home. I think she'll for sure go tomorrow. She should've gone last week over Alaina. I'm not sure who the other one will be. Possibly Asia'h? Her singing voice always sounds like she is sick. I'm also kind of done with Amanda Overmyer - even though the judges liked her tonight. But, what was up with her attitude? When they were complimenting her she didn't even smile or show gratitude. 

Speaking of WTFs, what was going on with Paula's hair? She had some black hair accessory at the top of her head. And she has seemed doped up this week.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Boys Night

American Idol is now down to 8 boys. 2 will go home on Thursday. I'll be glad when they are down to 6 boys and 6 girls. The performances tonight were pretty good. David Archuleta did fairly well, although it was hard to top last week. Jason Castro did it for me again this week singing Hallelujah. Definitely texted Vote to 5707 on that one. I love that he doesn't know how good he is and is not interested in the glitzy-ness of it all... yet. David Cook also did well with his rocker version of Lionel Richie's Hello.

Personally, I'm kind of ready to see Luke Menard go. I could also do without David Hernandez although the publicity surrounding him being a stripper this week could keep him around. This week I'm not as sure of who I think will get the axe. It's going to be a tough one. 

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Monday, March 03, 2008

I admit it... I love the Roloffs

Go ahead... file this one with my many TV weaknesses. Tonight I happened to stumble on the season premier of Little People, Big World. In my defense, there wasn't really much on TV tonight, but seriously... I love this show. 

The 23rd season (j/k, but there have been a lot of seasons) follows Matt Roloff in his DUI trial - you may have seen his mug shot, which I considered posting, but I have more respect for Matt than that. I'm pretty sure he was not convicted - he has a pretty good case. But, of course, we'll have to wait until next week to find out!

And I DO love the Roloff's, but have you seen their house? They never pick it up. 

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In the Valley of Elah

I watched In the Valley of Elah last night. The movie is based on actual events and follows Hank Deerfield (Tommy Lee Jones) as the father of a solider, who upon returning home from Iraq goes missing. Hank, a former military police officer himself, travels to New Mexico where his son went missing and works with a local police detective Emily Sanders (Charlize Theron) to try and figure out what happened to his son. 

In the Valley of Elah was a moving film with political undertones. Tommy Lee Jones was nominated for a 2007 Academy Award for this film. 

I recommend it. 
