I am obsessed with pop culture - TV, Movies, Books, Music and of course all of the celebrity gossip that goes along with it. I enjoy being the go to person for what's on TV on a particular night, what movies to see, and what books to read. Not that I'm a know it all - but I pretend to be.

Monday, May 04, 2009

What I'm Reading Right Now

So... thanks to my good friend, Debbie, I am now reading The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan. I had heard good things, but was excited when she got it for me for my birthday.

I'll give a review when I'm completely finished (I'm about 2/3 done right now), but so far I am obsessed with it and find myself talking to people about it almost everyday. The book is kind of difficult to explain, but basically it is about where our food comes from - something we hardly ever think of or question on this level. At least I know I never have.

The way Pollan describes things like the surplus of corn in this country and what it means for food to be deemed "organic" will make you rethink how you eat and consider the politics behind it. I never thought I would put food and politics in the same sentence. I can't wait to see what more he has to say. It has definitely made me start checking food labels more closely.

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