I am obsessed with pop culture - TV, Movies, Books, Music and of course all of the celebrity gossip that goes along with it. I enjoy being the go to person for what's on TV on a particular night, what movies to see, and what books to read. Not that I'm a know it all - but I pretend to be.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What I've been up to the Past 11 Months

Since I've been absent for so long, here a couple of things I've been seeing, reading, listening to, etc:
-The Twilight Series - yeah... I resisted too, and I don't like vampires either
-Britney Spears concert - no singing, but soooo entertaining
-Most of the Oscar Nominated Films - who didn't see Slumdog? If you haven't seen Milk - do it! I'm here to recruit you.
-Trying new restaurants around the TC - Barrio anyone?
-Naturally, I've been watching a lot of TV - Lost, Real Housewives, Gossip Girl, etc. I do DVR shows that I never seem to find time for - Gray's, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters. Don't worry - I know about Izzy.
-Reading a lot of dlisted.com and laughing my ass off
-I did read Pillars of the Earth and then started to read World Without an End right away - that was a mistake. Still haven't finished it and I usually don't do that.
-Music I've been listening to lately: Fleet Foxes, Bird and the Bee, Blitzen Trapper.

That's just a snapshot. More to come!

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