I am obsessed with pop culture - TV, Movies, Books, Music and of course all of the celebrity gossip that goes along with it. I enjoy being the go to person for what's on TV on a particular night, what movies to see, and what books to read. Not that I'm a know it all - but I pretend to be.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I saw Earth yesterday and enjoyed it thoroughly. If you like the series, Planet Earth, than you will definitely enjoy this as this movie comes from that footage. I read that 40% of Earth is comprised of completely unseen Planet Earth footage. It makes you laugh, it makes you smile, and it makes you want to cry. What more can you ask for from a rated G movie?

And... we have more of these movies to look forward to from Disney. Under the name Disney Nature, they are scheduled to release one per year. Next one is due out on Earth Day, 2010 and is called Oceans.


Friday, April 24, 2009

What I've been up to the Past 11 Months

Since I've been absent for so long, here a couple of things I've been seeing, reading, listening to, etc:
-The Twilight Series - yeah... I resisted too, and I don't like vampires either
-Britney Spears concert - no singing, but soooo entertaining
-Most of the Oscar Nominated Films - who didn't see Slumdog? If you haven't seen Milk - do it! I'm here to recruit you.
-Trying new restaurants around the TC - Barrio anyone?
-Naturally, I've been watching a lot of TV - Lost, Real Housewives, Gossip Girl, etc. I do DVR shows that I never seem to find time for - Gray's, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters. Don't worry - I know about Izzy.
-Reading a lot of dlisted.com and laughing my ass off
-I did read Pillars of the Earth and then started to read World Without an End right away - that was a mistake. Still haven't finished it and I usually don't do that.
-Music I've been listening to lately: Fleet Foxes, Bird and the Bee, Blitzen Trapper.

That's just a snapshot. More to come!

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Guess who's back?!

Ok.... so it has been about 11 months since I have had a single post. I went to a social media workshop today (http://www.kaneconsulting.biz/kane_registration.html) and I was inspired to start it up again. I've even started tweeting, even though it scares me a little bit.

I think the problem before was that I was trying to blog too much, and finding relevant content too frequently can be challenging. So, with my one year anniversary of not an entire post on the horizon, I think it's time to start again. Get excited!