Juliet Flashbacks

The episode opened with a flashback of Juliet and a therapist. At first Juliet is talking about being a celebrity - it made me think that she was one of the Oceanic 6 who got off the island and this was actually a flash forward. They only let you think that for a few seconds though, before we realize that she has just arrived on the island in the flashback. We learn that Juliet has an affair with the island therapist's (Harper) husband (Goodwin).
Another major thing that happens in this episode is Locke lets Ben out of captivity. Ben offers up information about who is in charge of the ship off the island as his "bargaining chip." We learn that Charles Widmore, Penelope's dad, owns the ship. It is still unclear exactly why he has such an interest in the island. Does it have something to do with Desmond?
Locke wants to know one more thing from Ben: Who does Ben have on the ship? We know from a previous episode that Ben has a mole on the ship. He tells Locke he needs to sit down for that one. Of course, we never learn in this episode who it is. Could it be Michael? Whoever it is, it's going to be a doozy!
The other major thing that happened in this episode was Daniel and Charlotte left the camp. When Jack realized they were gone, Jin said he saw them go into the woods. Juliet and Jack follow their tracks in typical Lost fashion. While following them Juliet comes across Harper, who tells her that Ben wants Juliet to go to the chemical station and shoot Daniel and Charlotte because they are going there to kill everyone on the island. Once Juliet finally gets there it turns out they are actually trying to prevent the chemical station from killing everyone. Obviously, Ben set up Juliet to kill Daniel and Charlotte because he wanted them dead.
One random observation I noticed tonight: the 2 doctors on the island are named Shephard and Burke. Also, the name of 2 doctors on another popular ABC show: Gray's Anatomy.
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