So... I watched Mr. Brooks last night. Now, I knew this looked like a horrible movie, but I heard a few people say it was good. Why do we as humans have to repeat our mistakes over and over before we ever learn? I should've known it was going to be bad... I mean Dane Cook is in it in a somewhat serious role. If that is not a red flag, I'm not sure what is. The movie follows Kevin Costner (another red flag), as Mr. Brooks - duh - a successful business man who also happens to be a serial killer who has a split personality - his other personality is played by William Hurt. Yep... Mr. Brooks talks to William Hurt but no one else can see or hear him talk to William Hurt. Then along comes Dane Cook who witnesses and has photos of Mr. Brooks murdering a couple. But instead of taking the pics to the cops he asks to go along with him the next time he kills someone. That's all I'm going to say besides that Demi Moore plays the lead investigator. There were way to0 many things crammed in the plot to go any further.
I definitely should have trusted my instincts on this one instead of questioned them. After all, my instincts are what dragged me to Coon Rapids to see There Will be Blood. Next time I'll listen.
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