Lost... Back to the Future Style

I am obsessed with pop culture - TV, Movies, Books, Music and of course all of the celebrity gossip that goes along with it. I enjoy being the go to person for what's on TV on a particular night, what movies to see, and what books to read. Not that I'm a know it all - but I pretend to be.
4 American Idol contestants were booted in the results show tonight. 3 of the 4 I saw coming, and one was kind of a surprise. The 4 eliminated were: Alexandrea Lushington, Jason Yeager, Alaina Whitaker and Robbie Carrico. The one I was surprised about was Alaina. I thought Amanda or Kady would go home instead and those 2 were both at the bottom - they just didn't get sent home this week. And apparently there is a rumor going around that Robbie wears a wig, but we may never find out the truth now. :(
Labels: Project Runway, TV
Tonight the girls performed on American Idol. Don't worry... only one more week of the split nights, and then the guys and girls will both be performing on Tuesday night.
Labels: American Idol, TV
Labels: American Idol, TV
After a short hiatus, Intervention was new tonight! Tonight's episode followed Brad, the 24 year old Iraq War veteran who is an alcoholic. While he did 2 tours in Iraq, he can't blame his addiction entirely on that - he has some family issues and he was abusing substances before he joined the military.
Labels: Intervention, TV
Lost... by far one of my favorite TV obsessions. Not a lot of people that run in my circles are in to it, but they should be. I realize it's a daunting task, but just rent the DVDs or head to ABC.com to view all of the episodes. Trust me... you'll be hooked.
Labels: American Idol, TV
If you don't know what PR stands for, go ahead and move on to the next post. Project Runway! Gosh, this season has gone by so fast. The reunion special is on tonight. These are always enjoyable. Ricki and his crying... Yikes! M. Kors describing his style when he was younger. And... I DO love montages of all sorts, and that's what reunion specials are all about.
Labels: Project Runway, TV
Labels: American Idol, TV
I admit it. I'm a sucker for American Idol. I'm not obsessed with it, but it makes me feel like a part of something bigger - and there's really not that much on TV on a Tuesday night. Well at least not until those actors get back to work and new shows start to get produced following the writers strike.
Labels: American Idol, TV
Labels: Books