Idol - from 7 to 6

Mariah Carey night last night on Idol - and the boys did a great job. David Cook's performance completely made me cry (what a sucker I am). My tears were totally due to the fact that his brother with brain cancer was in the audience - which they never acknowledged on the show.
For the results show they mixed it up a bit by breaking the 7 into 2 groups and then switching some people around. After Michael Johns was kicked off last week - it's been one surprise after the other. And I think last weeks results prompted the record number of votes for this season this week - 36 million. I thought for sure Carly would be in the bottom 3 - probably even going home, but she was not even in the bottom. That makes me happy b/c it most likely means she has a lot of fans, and I would like to see her go far. The bottom 3 were Kristy Lee, Brooke and Seyesha. They announced first Seyesha was safe - I've been over her for at least a month now. And the big loser is... Kristy Lee Cook. THANK GOD! Maybe her "Proud to be an American" will become a hit single - barf. Although, she did already have her chance at an album.
I knew I should've voted for Brooke though. She is not bottom 2 worthy in my mind - but my DVR cut off the end of the show where they repeat the numbers. I'll be voting next week!
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